The web is moving forward. Be part of it.
Smoother consent process
Not everyone knows what a cookie is, let alone what it means for their personal data. Rather than asking people to accept cookies, Preference.Express asks for marketing preferences in words that are easy to understand. These preferences are then attributed to a pseudo anonymous identifier, also known as a Random ID.
Accountable data sharing
To see who has processed personal data and for what purpose, there are many hoops to jump through. Using a verifiable audit trail, Preference.Express can show which parties have been involved in showing an advert. It's effortless for people, businesses, and regulators to see this information.
Safer online experience
It's easy to change marketing consent with Preference.Express. Individuals can reset their preferences, invoke their right to be forgotten, or see why they were served a particular advert – all with just a few clicks.
See how Preference.Express can help
Ad tech, Advertisers, People, Publishers, and Regulators.
No more pop-ups
Repetitive cookie consent pop-ups on the web can quickly get annoying. The Preference.Express identifier solution is here to change that.
Using the Secure Web Addressability Network (SWAN) Model Terms and Data Schema, Preference.Express is a solution that doesn't ask people to accept cookies, but instead asks what type of marketing they'd like: personalised, standard, or none at all. This is then shared across participating websites, reducing the need for people to fill out the pop-up again.

Visit Bloombread. Notice the simple CMP that you've been presented with? Go on, fill out your marketing preferences. That was quick to do, wasn't it?
Let's visit Crumbtree which is another website using Preference.Express. See how the SWAN logo appeared at the bottom left corner and then disappeared? No repetitive consent prompt. Now tap the SWAN logo to bring up the settings. You can see your Random ID for the browser and the option to reset everything and start again.
“... we should be looking at how we can focus on protecting people's privacy but in as light a touch way as possible”
UK Digital Secretary
One solution for all
Preference.Express is an identifier solution that addresses the needs of each party in the consent management process, from the individual to the regulators overseeing data privacy rights.
It's a win-win situation for all involved.